Don’t be afraid of silly answers, jokes or even debates.
Step 6: Enjoy yourself! This is an awesome way to get to know your partner better and have some fun. Whoever answered the last question, will now ask the other person a new one and the game continues. Make sure you stick to your choice once you’ve said it - no re-dos! Step 4: It’s time to play! The person who goes first will ask a question and their partner has to answer it. Depending on what you’d like to talk about or your level of comfort, you can ask light-hearted questions about funny memories, personal questions about your dreams and thoughts, or even more intimate ones if you’re up for it! Tip: Decide on a theme for the questions. This game is great for getting to know each other, so come up with interesting questions from past memories or future goals. It doesn’t really matter who goes first, so flip a coin or use the classic rock-paper-scissors to figure it out. Make sure both of you are comfortable and can hear the other clearly before you start. Step 1: Sit down with the person you’re playing with. The main goal of this awesome game is to answer questions your partner will ask you, and vice versa! Every question starts with the same phrase, for example: “Would you rather be rich but alone or poor and loved?” To begin, follow these simple steps: Google Play App Store How to play Would You Rather